Pest infestations can be dangerous for the whole family, including your pets. You already know how important it is to call a pest control professional to keep your home safe from pests, but did you know that you’ll also have to take care to keep your pets safe from pest control?

Introducing new chemicals, smells, and situations into your home can be intriguing for cats, dogs, and furry critter friends alike. That means you’ll have to pay extra special care to keep them safe while you handle an icky pest problem.

  1. Notify your pest professional. It’s important to let your local pest control provider know of any and all pets that you have in your home when you make your service appointment. It’s courteous to let the technician know that there will be animals present. Not only will this give them a heads up on what to expect upon entering you home, but it will help them to better evaluate the pest solutions that are available and choose the safest, most effective option.
  1. Keep four-legged friends away. While most pest control options are pet-friendly, your best bet is to keep Fido caged during the application process. That way, you can be sure that he won’t get into any chemicals that he’s not supposed to. If the pest control services span a large portion of your home, it may be best to keep dogs and cats with a friend or relative for the time being.
  1. Cover up cages and tanks. For birds, reptiles and fish, the effects of pest prevention can be a bit more dangerous. While they’re usually alright to stay in the home while pest control measures are being taken, it’s important that you provide them proper protection. That means covering up cages and tanks with a blanket to prevent any over-spray from coming into contact with your beloved scaley, feathery and fishy friends.

Here are Pest Control Unlimited, we’re committed to keeping your entire family safe from pest problems, including your furry friends. Our expert technicians are some of the most educated and knowledgeable in the Massachusetts and New Hampshire areas, so you can rest assured that the safety of your pets will be fully considered.

To learn more about our pet-friendly pest control services, call at 888-649-9919 today.