We’ve all seen it before, the parade of ants marching across a picnic blanket — or worse, across the kitchen counter! Ants are one of the most common pest problems that homeowners will deal with during the summer months. Fortunately, there are a few great hacks to keep these tiny soldiers at bay and out of your pantry.

  1. Look out for the scout. Before an infestation begins, you’ll start to notice one or two ants parading into your kitchen at a time. These are the scouts, sent by the hive to determine if your home is their next stop. If you see them, make sure to eliminate them before they can report back.
  2. Bust out the vinegar. After you eliminate the scouts, you’ll want to give your kitchen a good cleaning — with white vinegar. Not only are ants are repulsed by the scent, but vinegar is also a great natural cleaning option! Make sure to pay close attention to the trash, stove, fridge and cabinet areas.
  3. Create your own defense. The scouts may have slipped through your fingers, but you’ve got other plans for when the hive arrives. Mixing peppermint oil or lemon with water creates the perfect DIY ant spray, to spritz when you see them coming. Cayenne pepper, black pepper or talcum powder can be spread around hot spots to create a barrier as well.
  4. Stop them in their tracks. Literally! — Eliminate them, and any tracks they’ve left behind. Ants communicate with each other based on a chemical train left as they parade around your home. Whenever you kill then, make sure to wipe down the entire surface with soap and water to get rid of their line of communication.
  5. Destroy the hive. If you’re able to track down where your ants are migrating from outdoors, poke a hole in the top and fill it with boiling water. Continue this procedure a few days later, and your ants should move on in no time. If not, try pouring baking soda and vinegar down the hole instead.

If you live in Tyngsboro or the surrounding areas and you’re having difficulty fending off your ant infestation, you’re in luck. Pest Control Unlimited services Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and our knowledgeable technicians are dedicated to creating a pest-free environment that each of our clients can enjoy all summer long.

For more information about our insect removal and prevention services, call 888-649-9919 to speak with a specialist today.