As the weather heats up in the New England area you’re bound to see a boom in the bee population sooner or later. However, there are certain bees that you should be more cautious around than others.

Bumblebees – Large, round and fuzzy — these are the most telling characteristics of a bumblebee. Sounds cute and cuddly, doesn’t it? While we don’t suggest reaching out to pet one, we can promise that this bee species is the least aggressive of them all. They’re usually not quick to sting, unless provoked, and are content pollinating flowers and living in their wax nests.

Honey Bees – As their name denotes, this yellow-orange bee is known for its honey-making capabilities. If you see swarms of honey bees throughout the spring season, don’t be alarmed! Swarming indicates that the hive has split, and the swarm is in search of a new nest. Since they don’t have a nest at this time, they’re much more docile while they’re not defending their territory.

Carpenter Bees – These are the largest bees of all and are much more round than all other species. As you can assume from their name, carpenter bees make themselves at home by boring holes in wood, unlike the traditional “bees nests” you might be accustomed to seeing.

Wasps – A wasp nest is arguably this species most identifiable feature. They’re often found in trees or shrubs, or tucked away in eaves or rafters, and are made of mud, clay or paper. Wasps have a more elongated shape and can be a combination of black, yellow or red.

Hornets – Hornets are larger than wasps, but have the same hourglass body shape. Typically they’re brown with yellow stripes on their abdomen and are more prominent in forest-like areas.

Yellowjackets – Unlike most other bees, yellowjackets make their nest in the ground, clinging close to plant roots, logs, and small structures. They’re smaller in size than wasps and hornets, but their stark black and yellow coloring is impossible to miss.

If you notice an abundance of any of the bee species above near your home, just give Pest Control Unlimited a call. Our experts will be there to eradicate the issue in no time!

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