Over the years many myths have been passed down from generation to generation about “effective” home remedies for controlling the presence of unwanted visitors. Though there are definitely some great man-made techniques that work, there are also some wives tales that are just plain false! Here are some common DIY pest control myths that are actually not very helpful at all:

Myth #1: Grits Repel Ants – There is no magical substance in grits that creates a barrier against one of nature’s most common house pests, the ant. The actual effect is quite the contrary! Leaving grits out will do more to attract ants than deter them.

Myth #2: Cheese Attracts Mice – There’s a reason that poor Tom the Cat was never able to catch Jerry the Mouse! Though it’s true that mice will generally eat anything they find, cheese is not as irresistible at television has lead us to believe. If you’re looking to catch a rodent in your home peanut butter is the way to go.

Myth #3: Penny + Bag of Water = No Mosquitoes – This one never really made much sense to us. Standing water is actually attractive to these buzzing pests, and research shows that shiny pennies are appealing to insects as well. Better stick to mosquito repellent plants instead!

Myth #4: Spiders Despise Peppermint Oil – Though spraying peppermint oil, or anything for that matter, on a spider web will usually cause the spiders to cease living on that web, they will undoubtedly just take their spinning skills to another corner of the room. That means your spider web accumulation just doubled!

If you’re looking to repel pests in your home with some DIY strategies, try some great homemade insect repellent sprays, made from all-natural ingredients in the kitchen.

At Pest Control Unlimited, we care about the well-being of your family and home. If you live in the Massachusetts or New Hampshire area and are experiencing a pest problem that’s you haven’t been able to tame on your own, give us a call at 888-649-9919 and we’ll set you up with a free on-site estimate right away.