As the weather cools down, mice and other rodents will be scavenging for a place to nest for the winter – and your warm, cozy home is their number one target. The best way to get rid of mice is to prevent them from nesting in your home in the first place. Luckily, there are a number of home remedies you can test out to try to keep the mice at bay, like those you’ll see below.

Peppermint is potent. Mice hate the scent of minty fresh peppermint, so filling your home with plenty of it can help you keep them away. Adding peppermint oil to your cleaning products can help you disinfect and deter with the swipe of a paper towel. Planting potted mint around your home’s foundation can also help keep the mice out.

Dryer sheets deter. Though dryer sheets can make your laundry smell lovely, their strong scent is bothersome to mice. Stuffing them in cracks and crevices, beneath attic doors and between baseboards can help chase the mice away.

Ammonia is a warning. Mice will typically stay far away from the smell of ammonia. Why? Because decomposed animal urine produces the same scent, and mice are fearful of being turned into a mid-day snack! Incorporating a little ammonia into your cleaning regimen can go a long way.

Antifreeze is deadly. When all else fails, place a shallow dish of antifreeze near the areas where you suspect mice may be nesting. The mice will be drawn to the smell and drink the deadly poison. However, if you choose this method, make sure that the antifreeze is placed out of reach of children and pets, as it is harmful to their health as well if consumed.

For more natural remedies that can help keep your home mouse-free for the winter, click here!

Unfortunately, while there are a wide variety of tips and trick to keep mice out, there are always a ton of ways for them to find their way in. If you live in an area of Massachusetts or New Hampshire that’s prone to producing furry stowaways, or if you fear that you’ve already got a few taking up residence in your home, give Pest Control Unlimited a call at 888-649-9919 today.

Remember that mice and other rodents can multiply quickly, so calling at the first indication of an infestation is in your best interest!