The cool weather brings a whole slew of new pests to the equation! Here are three of the most common pests that you’ll encounter, and how you can manage them while you wait for the pros.

Spiders – Handling a spider infestation is tricky since they are able to avoid many standard pesticide spray solutions by passing over them unharmed with their long legs. However, spraying regularly can help deplete the spiders’ food source by killing off other household insects. You’ll want to identify and seal up any small holes or cracks that you find in walls and around window and doorjambs. This will ensure that you’ve blocked all points of entry for new spiders to get in, isolating your infestation. Then, whip out the vacuum! Vacuum floors, walls, furniture — everything — until you stop seeing spiders around your home.

Mice & Rats – While they may be cute, rodents can reproduce fast which means a small pest problem can turn into a huge infestation in a short amount of time. If you see one rodent, chances are there are plenty more, so your first order of business is sealing up all points of entry. Mice have been known to fit through a dime-sized hole, and rats a quarter-sized hole. Then clean your home thoroughly and make sure all of your family’s food is secured and unreachable in the pantry. Eliminating a food source will force the rodents to move along. Setting a few traps can also be helpful.

Firewood Bugs – Termites, stink bugs and the like are common inhabitants of outdoor wood piles. These sneaky pests will live and thrive in your firewood pile until they hitch a ride indoors, so be sure to check your firewood thoroughly before bringing it inside.. If a firewood pile is stored too close to the home they may also begin to migrate in on their own. Make sure to store your firewood far from the home and elevated off the ground. A plastic platform can be very beneficial.

As we mentioned earlier, the best way to rectify a pest problem is with the help of a pest management professional. At Pest Control Unlimited, our skilled technicians are constantly attending training seminars and re-certification classes, making them some of the most knowledgeable in the industry. For years, we have been dedicated to helping residential and commercial property owners in the Massachusetts and New Hampshire area eliminate current pest problems and prevent them from reoccurring in the future.

If you’re in need of professional pest control services, just call 888-649-9919 to schedule a complimentary estimate today.