Pumpkin picking and carving are some of the most popular outdoor activities during the month of October. However, there’s nothing worse than putting all of that time and energy into picking out the perfect pumpkin and carving an intricate design, only to find your new porch decor has been turned into a tasty treat overnight.

Don’t let your hard work go to waste! Here are a few simple ways you can repel squirrels and prevent them from making a meal out of your festive pumpkin creations:

  1. Spray squirrel repellent. Spray your pumpkins every few days with a standard squirrel repellent. While the spray should keep the squirrels at bay, the main ingredients in most squirrel repellents are putrid, so although your pumpkins may look pretty, they can also smell pretty awful.
  1. Use hot pepper. Blend up some hot peppers or use hot sauce to cover the pumpkin’s exterior. Squirrels will be deterred by not only the smell, but the taste as well if they get close enough. For added protection, sprinkle some cayenne pepper around your pumpkins as a warning.
  1. Pour on the vinegar. When poured on and around your pumpkins, the strong scent of white vinegar can repel squirrels, ants and other pesky insects. Be careful not to overdo it though, as the vinegar’s acidity can potentially ruin the pumpkin.
  1. Seal it up. Once you’re finished carving, spray the entire fruit with sealing lacquer or hair spray. The result will be a hard, sticky texture that squirrels cannot and will not want to permeate.
  1. Use scare tactics. Placing an owl statue near your pumpkin can scare squirrels and keep them off of your property. In addition, installing a motion-activated light sensor, or simply placing a motion-activated sprinkler or air blaster will shock any intruders and have them running for cover.
  1. Lure them away. When all else fails, create a diversion. As you’re carving, save some of the pumpkin guts and place them outside, far away from your pumpkin. Squirrels will be drawn to the more appetizing food source, leaving your pumpkins alone.

Have you tried everything, but are still having trouble keeping your seasonal outdoor decor safe? If so, your squirrel problem might be larger than you think. This time of year squirrels and other small rodents are looking to find cover from the elements, and your home is the perfect target.

If you’re worried about a potential rodent infestation, don’t wait! Dial 888-649-9919 and call Pest Control Unlimited at the first sign of an infestation. Our experienced pest professionals will be able to evaluate your home, eliminate any pest problems and prevent them from reoccurring in the future.