Scale insects are extremely small, but their impact is hard to miss. Their presence is tough to physically see, so it is important to know the warning signs that tell you they could be lurking. These tiny pests are known for feeding on and destroying the plants that you worked so hard to grow. But lucky for you, surrender is not the only option. You can fight back!

Here are some tips for detecting and dealing with scale insects in your backyard:

Warning Signs
Scale insects tend to feed on the sap from from a wide variety of plants, such as roses, grapes, raspberries and pine trees. If it has sap sweet enough to feast on, the scale insects will not be picky. While these are some of the insect’s favorite plants to feed on, they don’t make up all of its diet. You should routinely check your fruit and vegetable garden for signs of the scale insect. These signs include:

  • Small droplets of ‘honeydew’ on plant leaves. This is the substance that scale insects secrete after feasting. It tends to look shiny and feel sticky to the touch.
  • This substance will also attract more pests like ants and wasps to your garden. If you notice these guys hanging around more than usual, it could be related to a scale insect infestation.
  • Examine your garden for small holes and brown spots on plant leaves. This could be related to a number of different pest problems, but scale insects are a likely suspect.

How To Deal With Them
If you are not interested in chemical pesticides, you could try some more natural methods. The most effective technique for dealing with scale insects is oil spray. You take a little bit of the spray, mix it with water and apply it to your garden. The oil will coat the scale insects and clog their breathing pores which will result in suffocation.

If your garden is under attack, the most effective solution is to call in the professionals. At Pest Control Unlimited we can handle any pest problem in an effective and timely manner. To schedule your appointment, call 888-649-9919 or click around on our website!