Cockroaches are one of the most common insects in the world, with over 4,600 species found across all continents (except Antarctica). Despite your best efforts to get rid of roaches, often they just don’t seem to go away, making them one of the worst pests to have on your property. You may ask: how difficult is it to get rid of roaches? Here’s some insights. There is fossil evidence that proves they’ve been around for some 300 million years. So it’s clear that cockroaches are one of the hardiest creatures to roam the Earth. But what makes them so tough?

Here are some reasons why roaches are difficult critters to get rid of. 

Long Life Spans

The average lifespan of a cockroach lies anywhere between 3.5 months to 12 months, depending on the species. For instance, the life expectancy of German cockroaches is between 3.5 months to 6 months, while American cockroaches are expected to live up to a year. This will vary depending on several factors, such as the availability of food and water, the type of environment they live in, and the existence of natural predators. It is worth noting that the average lifespan of most common insect pests is no longer than two months, with some lasting even just days after they were born.

Fast Reproduction Rates

If you’ve ever wondered what those reddish-brown to dark brown casings you’ve been finding around the house are, they’re most likely casings containing cockroach eggs (also called an ootheca). Roaches are prolific breeders, with female roaches producing eight or more of these cases in a single lifetime (about once every six weeks on average). With a single ootheca containing up to 50 eggs, that’s a total of 300 to 400 offspring each year. These baby roaches will then fully mature in 12 to 16 weeks, continuing the reproductive cycle.

Size and Agility

When considering physical methods of pest control, roaches are some of the most problematic pests to target, given how much of a struggle it is to catch up to them. They can run at speeds up to three miles per hour, which in human terms, is equivalent to running 200 miles an hour to cover the same distance in proportion to size. And with such a small body, they can fit quite easily in the tiniest crevices like cracks on a wall, false bottoms, the space between baseboards and floors, and even behind wall hangings. This combination of fast speed and a small frame makes them good at hiding and even harder to catch.

Incredible Adaptability

Even with chemical forms of pest control, roaches often survive when sprayed with various chemicals. According to scientists, this is because their bodies have developed genetic changes over the years in response to the harsh conditions in the environments in which they live. They love spending time in environments abundant in plant matter, most of which are rich in toxin-producing bacteria. When they eat this plant matter, they ingest the toxins in the process. Through this process, their bodies evolved, causing them to “pre-adapt” to some insecticides used to kill them. 

Built to Survive

Have you ever stepped on a roach only to find them moving again a few seconds later? The main reason they survive even when being stepped on is because of the way their bodies are built. Their bodies are made up of 13 chambers that come with tiny holes through which they breathe. With an open circulatory system, oxygen is readily delivered to different parts of their body. But what does this mean? It means that roaches don’t need a mouth to breathe. This is why they can survive up to a week without their head, after which they die since they can’t eat or drink anything. Meanwhile, their legs come with many sensory organs that alert them of any impending danger, allowing them to make their escape within 40 milliseconds of detection.

Diverse Diet

It’s a well-known fact that cockroaches aren’t picky eaters. They do most of their scavenging at night or in the dark, constantly looking for food – and they find it anywhere they look, considering they eat anything, including decaying plant matter, glue, soap, fingernails, and paper. Despite the diversity in their diet, they can continue eating the nastiest of substances because of how their bodies have evolved to ensure they can metabolize anything they eat.

Drastic Conditions

Theories of cockroaches surviving nuclear explosions have been circulating for a long time. Although they have been proven to be false, they still hold some truth in that roaches can survive the most severe environmental conditions. As cold-blooded creatures, they can survive for over a month without food and up to a week without water, which is why they spend most of their time in damp or high-moisture environments like basements and sewers. 

The Best Pest Control for Roaches

Cockroaches are fast, resilient, and can reproduce quickly, making them one of the hardest creatures to control and eliminate. So when you notice roaches scurrying around your home, it’s best to not leave them uncontrolled, or you could end up with an infestation in your home. For the best pest control for roaches, call in the experts at Pest Control Unlimited LLC to get rid of roaches quickly.

At Pest Control Unlimited, we formulate the right plan to find the best pest control for roaches in your residential or commercial property. We identify problematic areas and implement a thorough plan for eliminating any infestation and preventing them from returning to your property. We are trained to help you with your pest control needs. Contact us today or give us a call at 888-649-9919 to quickly resolve your pest problem!