We will get right down to the point. 99% of bee stings will NOT need medical attention outside of a first aid kit and some ice. The unfortunate thing is though, some people are allergic to bees and if they are stung, a life threatening situation could soon follow. You should know what to do in these situations and we are going to help»

Treatment Options
Treating bee stings is not a one-size fits all attack. Different things work better for different people and it’s really about finding what works for you. Here is a list of some things to try in the event of a bee sting:

  • Cold Compresses
  • Toothpaste
  • Soap and Water
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Oatmeal (Weird We Know!)
  • Motrin

How Do I Know if I’m Allergic?
If you don’t know about a bee allergy in your child or someone around you, you’ll certainly know once they are stung. The person will experience difficulty breathing, hives, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Your first reaction should be to call 911. Once you have done this, ask as many people in the area as you can if they have an epi-pen. This will help calm the anaphylactic shock and force airways to open back up. It’s very dangerous to go into bee season without knowing if you are or are not allergic to bees.

Are Some Species Worse Than Others?
There are certainly some bee species that are worse than others when it comes to aggression. Hornets, yellowjackets and wasps are all extremely aggressive species that actually prey on other bees for food. This demand for aggression causes these species of bee to attack humans because they constantly feel like their shelter and food source is being threatened. The thing about these bees is that they will also not die after stinging you– and they tend to hunt in herds. One sting will usually be followed by another!

Avoiding bee stings all together is probably safer– especially if you’re not sure whether or not you are allergic. We can help limit these dangerous situations by detering bees from coming onto your property in the first place. If you have a bee problem on your property, Pest Control Unlimited can help.

To schedule service, call 888-649-9919 or click around on our website for more information!