There’s nothing that brings you down on a summer day quicker than a tick sighting or the discovery of a tick bite after an afternoon in the sun. That’s because not only are ticks bothersome, but they can also carry dangerous diseases that are potentially harmful to you, your family and your pets. But don’t fret! Here are a few ways to help your family stay tick-free and healthy this summer:


Prepare the premises. Ticks love overgrown, brushy areas so it’s important to trim back those bushes and widen your walking paths. Be sure to clean up debris, clear all clippings and keep woodpiles far away from high-traffic areas.

Practice proper control. Cover your area thoroughly with proper pesticides, spraying 2-3 feet out into the yard and at least 10-15 feet back into the woods if applicable for your property. Protect your wood pile and stone wall perimeters with tick tubes that contain tick-killing permethrin-treated cotton, but be careful as mice like to steal the cotton for their nests.

Protect your pets. Veterinarians recommend year-round tick and flea control treatments for the best results. When purchasing pest control products for your pet, be sure to read the labels carefully. Some eliminate ticks on contact, while others kill ticks once they’ve bitten your pet. Other products may be successful in eliminating fleas and other parasites but are not effective when it comes to ticks.

Put on tick-repellent clothing. Whether you’re out in the yard performing tick prevention, mowing your lawn or are just playing a friendly family game, it’s important to wear proper clothing wherever ticks might be present. Choose pants that are not easily permeable, tuck in your shirt and always wear shoes and socks. Of course, spraying yourself with a strong bug-repellent is recommended, and you can even have your clothes treated with tick-repellent for added protection.

If you live in the New England area and are worried about ticks as the weather warms up, just give us a call at 888-649-9919. Pest Control Unlimited offers an organic tick control program, designed to minimize your family’s exposure to ticks and the harmful diseases they carry. To learn more about our tick prevention program, click here.