If you are as good of a gardener as you think you are, you’ve probably already started to get some tomatoes and zucchinis in your backyard. All of that hard work is worth it for that fresh taste, but what if pests were threatening your garden? It’s time to learn more about your opponent»


  • Aphids typically come in light green, white or yellow colors which makes them difficult to spot on a plant leaf.
  • They can lay thousands of eggs during their lifetime and they are known for their ability to multiply quickly.
  • They can eat away at live greenery, but their relatively easy to control if you catch them early on.

Leaf Beetle

  • These garden pests are typically about ¼-½ long and they come in yellowish green colors with black spots.
  • Some will have no markings at all and this makes them difficult to distinguish.
  • These pests are known for eating away at legumes and beans, but they can destroy the roots of almost any plant.


  • Grasshoppers are very large for the insect family. They range in color from brown to green and they have very large hind legs.
  • They tend to chew large pathways into the leaves they are eating. There is almost a pattern to the way they feast.
  • Grasshoppers are endangered in some areas and could be illegal to kill!

Stink Bugs

  • Stink bugs come in two forms: The Brown Stink Bug and the Green Stink Bug.
  • The green species is the one you will most commonly see in your garden because they will try to blend in.
  • These bugs have a gland in their body that releases a very foul smelling liquid when they feel threatened.

Leaf Miner

  • Leaf miners are the larvae stage of your common black flies. When they’re in this state, they are threatening your garden every chance they can get.
  • You can assume their presence based off of the markings you see on leaves. Thick, dried up spots on a plant leaf that appear almost white are usually signs of a leaf miner.
  • You need to try and get rid of them early so they don’t become adults and lay more eggs.

If you would like a pest control professional to come in and assess your problem, we are the right team for the job! We have been saving gardens in Middlesex and Hillsborough County for over a decade and this harvest is no different.

To schedule an appointment, call 888-649-9919 or click around on our website!