Imagine excitedly taking out your warm-weather clothes this spring, only to find that a horde of moths has been munching on your favorite short-sleeve shirt all winter long. As you begin to pack away your seasonal clothing this year, follow these simple tips to help keep them safe from clothes eating pests.

Prepare your clothes. Before you begin packing your boxes for the winter there are a few important steps you should take with the clothing items themselves.

  1. First, sort through it all and decide what you’re going to keep and what you’d like to donate. The less you have to store the better!
  2. Once you’ve narrowed down your piles, clean each item before packing it away. Pests are attracted to the smell of food and sweat, so be sure to clean everything even if it doesn’t appear to be dirty. Skip fabric softener, starch and bleach, as they can attract insects as well.
  3. Completely dry all items to eliminate mildew forming moisture and iron cotton clothing to be sure that moth eggs are not present before storing.

Clean your closets. Once your clothing has been prepared, you’ll need to clean out your closets and other storage spaces thoroughly. Remove all dust and dirt, and keep an eye out for any mold or mildew, as it is unsanitary and can attract pests. While you’re cleaning, inspect corners and crevices for any signs of an existing infestation. Should you have suspicions, call your local pest professionals immediately.

Pack up wisely. Avoid using cardboard boxes and storing clothing in garages, basements, attics, or any other place that is prone to extreme temperature changes and humidity. Instead, use plastic storage tubs or vacuum-sealed storage bags and keep them in a cool, dark, dry place. For added protection you can store seasonal clothing in a cedar closet or chest. Adding cedar chips, mothballs, or dried herbs to your storage bins can help repel pesky moths and other insects as well.

Have you tried everything, but are still having trouble keeping your home moth-free? If so, your pest problem might be larger than you think.

Dial 888-649-9919 and call Pest Control Unlimited at the first sign of a problem. Our experienced pest professionals will be able to evaluate your home, eliminate any pest problems and prevent them from reoccurring in the future.