With the cold, winter weather there’s no doubt that your furry friends have been spending a lot more time indoors than out these days. That being said, did you know that there are actually some pests that are more likely to be a problem if you’ve got a dog or cat in the home? Here are a few of the most common nuisances that pets can attract, and a few tips to avoid an infestation.

Fleas – These tiny terrors are known for hitching a ride on the backs dogs and cats alike. What many people do not realize is that fleas can be present in many outdoor environments, so every time you let your pet outside they are at risk for bringing home an infestation.

Ticks – Much like their pesky friends the fleas, ticks are an outdoor danger that affects pets and humans alike. Not only can their blood-sucking tendencies cause itchy, irritable red spots, but they can carry a variety of dangerous diseases as well. Keeping your pets out of heavily wooded areas can help reduce their risk of bringing home an unwelcome visitor.

Rodents – Unlike the first two pests, it is highly unlikely that your pet will bring a rodent home on it’s back. Instead, your pet’s food and feces can attract mice, rats and the like to your home. That’s why it’s so important to keep your pet food sealed up tight and indoors, and your yard picked up and clear of feces at all times.

Insects – Food and water bowls left out in the kitchen are prime real estate for ants, cockroaches and other sneaky insects looking for nourishment. Who wouldn’t be drawn to a free buffet? To minimize the amount of pests you attract to your home name sure to pick up and cover your pets’ food bowls when they’re not in use.

Even with the most diligent prevention methods in place to keep your pets and family safe, sometimes pests can still find their way to the forefront.

If you live in Massachusetts, New Hampshire or the surrounding areas and are in need of fast, efficient and affordable pest management solutions, give Pest Control Unlimited a call. Our skilled technicians are constantly attending training seminars and re-certification classes, making them some of the most knowledgeable in the industry — and the perfect pros for the job!

For more information about our pest control services, call 888-649-9919 today.