It’s no secret that cool weather sends pests like mice and rats in search of a warm place to nest and an easily accessible food source – a place just like your home.

While rodent infestations are very common, especially this time of year, they often go unnoticed for quite some time since mice and rats tend to stay out of sight and are mostly active at night. Unfortunately, these pests reproduce very quickly which means in just a short amount of time you can end up having a big problem on your hands.

In an effort to help you keep your house safe from these furry invaders, here are three simple DIY prevention tips that you should use in your home:

  1. Ditch the birdfeeders. While it may seem like a nice idea to provide food for the neighborhood birds, it may end up costing you a ton of money in pest control services in the long run. Even though most birdhouses or feeders are hung up high, birds aren’t the neatest of eaters and a free meal left on the ground is nticing to rodents in the area.
  1. Keep your garage and shed doors shut. It’s bad enough when mice and rats find their way into homes even after they’ve been sealed up and had all proper prevention measures taken. Leaving your garage or shed doors open is a generous invitation for these pests to come in from the cold and nest, which is definitely not what you want!
  1. Keep your landscaping clean and simple. Although a dense, beautifully planted garden might add curb appeal, it can also attract rodents. If you live in an area where mice or rats are commonly seen, sticking to a simplistic landscape can eliminate the options for rodents to roam undetected. Keeping your grass cut and your yard free of leaves and debris can deter rats and mice as well.

While these three tips can help keep rodents out, there are always a ton of ways for them to find their way in as well. If you live in an area of Massachusetts or New Hampshire that’s prone to producing furry stowaways, or if you fear that you’ve already got a few taking up residence in your home, give Pest Control Unlimited a call at 888-649-9919 today.