So you want to have a barbecue in your beautiful backyard, but you’re worried about guests being inundated with mosquitoes, flies and the like. Bug spray and tiki torches can only go so far when it comes to outdoor pest control, but what if the plants growing in your garden could somehow deter pests instead of attracting them? Well, these 5 plants can!

  1. Marigolds – Give your yard some flair and ward off icky picnic pests in the process. Brightly colored marigolds are commonly used by farmers to naturally repel mosquitoes and plant-eating aphids.
  1. Basil – Kill two birds with one stone — get rid of mosquitoes and make a mean pesto sauce for dinner! Basil leaves contain an oil that kills off mosquito eggs and helps keep house flies away.
  1. Mint – Summertime mojitos are in your future, but gnats, mosquitoes and other biting insects are not. Growing mint or catnip in your yard will produce a pleasant scent for humans but a repelling odor for pests. Just be sure to plant them in small pots, as they tend to spread fast.
  1. Alliums – Anything in onion family — chives, leeks, garlic, scallions, etc. — produce tall, large flowers above ground that provide natural pest control. Slugs, flies and worms don’t stand a chance, but be careful planting alliums if you’ve got pets, as they can be toxic for them as well.
  1. Lavender – Flies, moths and mosquitoes detest the scent of lavender. Luckily, for us humans, it’s lovely! Plant lavender around your yard, hang some into your closet, and even keep bouquets around the house.

If you live in an area that’s heavily wooded, sometimes employing DIY pest control methods and planting bug repellent plants won’t always do the trick. In that case, your best option is to call in the professionals at Pest Control Unlimited and have our technicians spray your yard. Our application can eliminate up to 95% of the total mosquito population on your property!

Call us at 888-649-9919 or click here to learn more about our mosquito control programs and book your treatment today.