With such a wide buffet of food available and plenty of dark crevices for pests to hide, it’s no wonder that one of the hardest areas to keep bug-free is the kitchen. Lucky for you, there are quite a few steps you can take now, that can help keep kitchen bugs at bay in the future.

  1. Sprays & Traps – The most common way to keep ants and cockroaches at bay is by applying a good pest repellant spray and setting traps. Remember to spray around window sills, exterior doorways, baseboards and near the sink.
  2. Boric Acid Powder – One of the oldest and most effective ways to discourage cockroaches from feasting on your food, is by applying a dusting of boric acid around your baseboards and under the sink. But remember, roaches are ruthless, so make sure you call a professional as well.
  3. Replace Window Screens – House flies are one of the peskiest pets of the warm weather season. The best way to eliminate them, is by preventing them from getting in, in the first place. Now’s the time to inspect your window screens, and replace any that have been damaged.
  4. Store Fruit Elsewhere – While it might be tempting to leave a big bowl of fresh fruit on your kitchen counter, it’s also an enticing treat for fruit flies. Storing your fruit and other sweet smelling foods in the fridge or in airtight containers can help prevent a fruit fly infestation.
  5. Keep Grains Concealed – Food moths and grain beetles just love to get into your pantry products. That’s why it’s so important to keep all grain-based foods, like cereal, flour and pasta, stored in airtight jars or Tupperware containers. Avoid leaving them in their cardboard boxes or bags, as moths and beetles can easily chew right through.

While there are a wide variety of tips and trick to keep pests out, there are always a ton of ways for them to find their way in. But, not to worry! Pest Control Unlimited provides  fast, efficient and affordable pest management solutions to the Massachusetts and New Hampshire areas.

For more information about our pest control services, call 888-649-9919 today.