Did you know that during every war in America’s history, there have been more casualties caused by disease than by combat? It’s true, and the mosquito is responsible for a large portion of those deaths. It shaped our history and in some ways, we have the mosquito to thank for our success. Keep reading to learn more:  

How Did They Get to America?

Mosquitoes are not native to North America. But like so many other animal species, they were brought here by man and adapted to our climate overtime. During the African Slave Trade, the conditions on the ships were less than ideal. There was feces, disease and other elements that attracted African mosquitoes to these boats. Once they arrived on North American soil, they looked for food, they looked for shelter and they were kindly greeted with both.

How Did They Help Win Wars?

  • During the Revolutionary War, the British Army decided to take on a southern strategy. They headed into Virginia, North and South Carolina with aims on ‘smoking out’ the Continental Army. What they didn’t realize was that these wooded areas where infested with mosquitoes carrying yellow fever and malaria. A huge aid to the American cause.
  • During WWII, Aedes mosquitoes were all over Europe and Asia feasting on dead bodies and disease ridden camps. The American forces had the resources to fight off these diseases, while the Japanese Army did not. Tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers were killed by mosquitoes towards the end of the war.  

Are They Still a Threat?

When analyzing mosquitoes, most people break them down into two main species. The Anopheles and the Aedes Mosquito. The Anopheles spread Malaria, but they are not very common in the United States. The Aedes mosquito is more common in the U.S and it is known for spreading Dengue, Yellow Fever and Zika. According to the Center for Disease Control, close to 40% of the world’s population is at risk of contracting Malaria…

In 2012, nearly  200 million people contracted malaria and 630,000 people died of the disease. This data tells us that the threat is alive and well and it would be a mistake to assume we are always going to be safe. Treat your property with the help of Pest Control Unlimited and feel safer heading into the school year.

To schedule mosquito treatment, call Pest Control Unlimited at (888) 649-9919 or book an appointment online!