Yet another pest battle has been submitted to Pest Control Unlimited and now we have the Spider Kingdom facing off against the mosquitoes. Some people list spiders as their greatest fear, but did you know that spiders actually control mosquito populations? With that being said, it’s probably pretty easy to guess who we have winning this pest battle»

Spider Facts

  • There are about 38,000 known species of spider in the world.
  • In the tropics, approximately 3 million spiders live in one acre of land. Some say that a human being is never more than 10 feet from a spider when they are outdoors.
  • Spiders eat harmful insect populations like mosquitoes.
  • Male spiders weave their sperm into a web and then use that to impregnate female spiders.
  • As a spider moves, it always have four of it’s legs on the ground and four of them off of the ground.

Mosquito Facts

  • Mosquitoes kill more people annually than all other animal species combined. They carry diseases like malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and encephalitis.
  • Male mosquitoes do the gardening and pollination while females are the ones who bite.
  • There are actually a good amount of mosquito species that do not bite humans at all. They prefer animals with more fur to hide in for longer meals.
  • The mosquito is actually one of the slowest flying insects in the insect kingdom. Bees are significantly faster.
  • Mosquitoes need water to breed but it could be as little as an inch of water. This is why we stress cleaning up all standing water on your property.

Who is the Winner?

This is a difficult pest battle to answer because we have one flying insect and another grounded one. But after careful examination, we are going to have to give this one to the Spider Species. Mosquitoes are part of their natural diet and with their webs, they can trap flying mosquitoes fairly easily. Spiders remain the champ!

If you have any more pest battles you would like to see, please submit them to us on our Facebook page! And if you have problems with these pests on your property, please call Pest Control Unlimited at (888) 649-9919!