The absolute last thing you want climbing into bed with you this Valentine’s Day is a bed bug. Their bites are irritating, their presence is annoying and they don’t deserve a spot on your bed. To deal with them, try using the following DIY tips.

Reduce Clutter
Like most pests, bed bugs like to hide and build shelter in areas of clutter. For this reason, it is important to remove all stuffed animals, blankets and toys while you sleep. But be careful when you go to move these items. If they’re on the bed and the bed becomes infested, these items can carry the pests to other places. Store them in a plastic bag for the time being.

Do the Laundry
If you bed garments become infested, hot water is the only thing that can help. Insecticides do not kill bed bugs because they are extremely resistant. Make sure the water is at least 120°F and this should clear the bed bugs from that particular linen.

Take Apart the Bed
If you notice a small bed bug issue, there could be bigger problems beneath the sheets. Remove the mattress and box spring from the frame and closely inspect them with a flashlight. These bugs love to get into the box spring, so any signs of torn or ripped fabric could indicate a bed bug hideout.

Remove Drawers & Inspect Closet
Bed bug infestations stink and you want to limit their reach as much as possible. Think about how often you place clothes, boxes and other items on your bed. If that bed has a hidden infestation, you could be spreading bed bugs to your closet and drawers without even realizing it. So just to be safe, inspect these areas as well when you see signs of bed bugs.

If you live in Massachusetts or New Hampshire and are experiencing bed bug issues, just give Pest Control Unlimited a call. Our expert technicians will not only help eradicate your infestation, but it will help you take future steps to prevent more issues from occurring.

For more information about our bed bug removal services, click here or call 888-649-9919!