Bed bugs are creatures of the night and they will stop at nothing to get their next meal. You don’t want to be that meal, but sometimes there is nothing you can do. Bed bugs are feisty and extremely resistant and it takes the touch of a professional to eliminate them. Learn more about bedbugs here»

What exactly is a bed bug?
A bed-bug is a blood-sucking parasite! But no really, that is literally what it is. These bugs feed on the blood of a sleeping human being or animal because it is easy and convenient. They are typically reddish-brown in color, they have no wings and they range from 1-7mm in size. The unfortunate thing about these pests is that they are extremely resistant. They can live up to one whole month without a meal.

How do I know I have bed bugs?
This is the difficult part. Bed bugs affect everyone differently and some people don’t even show symptoms of bites at all. When a bed bug bites, they inject an anesthetic that prevents you from knowing that you were bitten. They are also small in size and great at hide and seek, so it is difficult to catch them in the act. You can look for the following signs when you are straightening up your room this week:

  • Bed bug exoskeletons after molting
  • Bed bugs in the fold of mattresses or sheets
  • Rusty-colored blood spots due to their blood-filled fecal matter
  • A musty odor

What can we do to stop them?
Bed bugs USED to be a problem in developing countries only, but that is no longer the case. These bugs show up in hospitals, dorms, hotels and residential areas despite the cleaning efforts of the owners to keep them out. They are a difficult pest to beat, but we have the right formula.

If you live or own a business in Middlesex County and have a problem with bed bugs, you need the services of Pest Control Unlimited. Home remedies can only do so much.

To schedule bedbug service, call 888-649-9919 or click around on our website!