Imagine actually discovering a centipede in your home and upon trying to catch it, the creepy little guy takes a nice chomp out of you.

We’ll wait a minute while you squirm and freak out at the thought of this happening.

Whether this has just happened to you, or you’re on an internet search binge of “what if” scenarios, here is all of the information you need to know about a centipede bite.

About Centipede Bites

  • Centipedes won’t voluntarily attack humans, however, they will bite if they feel threatened. So if you see one crawling on by, keep your distance.
  • Even though centipedes are venomous to the other insects they feed off of, they do not affect humans in the same way. The small amount of venom they inject might kill other insects, but it isn’t fatal for humans.
  • Centipede bites can be quite painful (similar to a bee sting). As a result, an allergic reaction can occur and the affected skin can develop red bumps, swelling, redness, and inflammation — along with the person feeling nauseous or feverish.
  • The most common way people are bitten is when a person tries to catch one for removal (usually from basements) or while they are gardening. So know that they can strike back when you try to place that shoebox over them, or when you’re digging around in the garden this spring/summer.

How to Treat a Centipede Bite

  • Wash the Bite – The first thing you should do is wash the bite with antiseptic soap. Like any bite or open wound, you want to clear it of any germs or bacteria to prevent infection.
  • Apply Cream – Sometimes bug bites can itch. If your bite starts to develop an itch, apply a liberal amount of hydrocortisone cream to the affected area. This should help subside some of the itchiness.
  • Take Ibuprofen – If the bite becomes tender or inflamed, take ibuprofen. If the pain does not subside, seek medical attention from your local physician.

Centipedes are some scary looking pests that can bite when they want to — the ultimate combination of scary and terrifying.

When you discover centipedes (or any other pest) in your home or business, make sure to give us a call so we can get them out ASAP.