A Massachusetts summer is about as good as it gets, but along with fresh caught lobster dinners and trips to the beaches of Cape Cod, come those annoying bug bites as well. Fortunately, there are multiple home remedies to heal those itching nightmares and get you back to a fun filled summer in no time.

Milk & Water
Seems like a bit of a weird mix, but don’t worry it isn’t for drinking. Dip a cloth into the milk and water solution  and apply it to your bite to help soothe the area.

The flavor of the toothpaste actually matters a great deal to how effective of a healer it is. Mint flavors are best because the menthol ingredient that gives it that flavor can also give your skin a cooling relief. Certain toothpastes also have anti-inflammatory ingredients that help reduce swelling as well.

Tea Bags
The first step for this effective trick is to cool down the tea bags. The cold is always better for a bite, but the tea bag actually draws fluid out of the area and helps reduce swelling as well.

Lemon Juice
Itching a bug bite is the worst thing for it — but it’s so tempting! Lemon juice will help reduce that itching sensation and work as an antibacterial. But remember to cover the applied area before going in the sun or it will burn like crazy.

This is another technique that will help reduce the itching sensation. Ice just makes things feel better doesn’t it?

X Marks the Spot
This ancient trick does actually have some truth to it. Making an x with your nail over the bitten area will cause a pain sensation that will stop you from scratching. Do not press too hard though! Opening the bite can leave you at risk for infection.

Tape or Bandage
The pressure from tape will actually provide pain relief along with reminding you not to itch. If you haven’t learned that itching is bad by now, there may be no hope for you.

Wouldn’t it be better to stop those bug bites before they happen? If you live in Massachusetts, New Hampshire or the surrounding areas and you want to learn more about our 95% effective mosquito repellent application, visit our website or call us today (888) 649-9919