Isn’t it awesome to live in a home that has a garage? While the garage might be the perfect place to store additional items, not every item belongs here. There are a few items you should keep out of the garage, as weather conditions and pests can get the best of these items and your home.

Extra Food

Whether you like having extra food on standby, or you’re a fan of shopping in bulk, do not store extra food items in the garage. Not only will the extreme changes in temperature (and humidity level) spoil the food, but pests will have easy access to it. Instead, move all food items indoors to another pantry or closet (even if it’s not in or near the kitchen).

Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard is easily penetrable by pests, such as mice, roaches, beetles, spiders, and a wide array of other insects. Just another reason why you shouldn’t store boxes of food here. For all other items you need to stow away, opt for plastic containers that can be sealed with lids. This way you have stronger, stackable ways of storing your personal belongings.

Important Documents & Photos

Never store important documents in the garage, like marriage and birth certificates, house deeds, passports, etc. There are some insects (and mice) that will eat away at any paper products they can get their “hands” on. Keep these documents in a fireproof, lock-box inside of the house. This also applies to precious photographs and paintings.

Off-Season Clothing

In areas like the Northeast, many people will pack up and store their summer clothes during winter and vice versa. Like paper products, there are many pests that will consume some of the clothing’s fabrics or use it to make nests. These pests include silverfish, moths, crickets, mice, etc. Any clothing that must be stored in the garage or attic, due to limited storage options, should make sure they’re using plastic containers with airtight lids.

Being able to store things in your garage is a beautiful thing, but not everything belongs in this space thanks to possible pests. If you find pests damaging these items, make sure you find a new storage space to use and to have any infestation professionally managed.