Ants are one of the most hardworking creatures in the natural world. And as far as house pests go, they are perceived as relatively harmless since they don’t have the bad reputation of rodents or roaches. However, finding a colony of ants living in your home is still a cause for concern and a sign that you may require immediate ant control. This Is because when left unchecked, an ant colony can infest your food supply and even cause structural damage to your home.

Below are some pest control tips to get rid of ants from your house and keep them out by identifying and eliminating what attracts them in the first place.

Identify the Type of Ants Infesting Your Home

Ant control should begin with identifying the type of ants you’re facing to understand their feeding and nesting habits. The best way to do that is to submit samples or close-up photos to your local pest control service. After identifying the ants, they will then provide you with facts about this specific ant species and advice on how to get rid of them. 

Getting Rid of an Ant Infestation

When it comes to pest control, ants can be a nightmare to control. Ants can build a colony fairly quickly and spread to other places in your home. That’s why pest control for ants should begin with getting rid of the infestation to control the spread. Here are some tips for pest control for ants, when you’re faced with an infestation:

Destroy the Nest

Once you’ve identified the ant species you’re facing, you can use the information you have to locate their nest. For instance, carpenter ants are opportunistic nesters and can nest anywhere in your home as long as it fulfills their food, moisture, and protection requirements.

Look for potential areas inside your home where ants might be nesting. In most cases, they will be found in damp areas such as wall or floor areas that are soft and spongy. Since these areas will need to be replaced anyway, you can cut small holes to open up the site and expose the nest. Once you’ve found the nest, spray it with insecticides that contain permethrin, deltamethrin, and bifenthrin. You can find this information on the label.

Erase Ants Trails

Ant trails are a common sign that you face an ant infestation. These can begin with a single scout ant leaving a scent that others follow to a food or water source. But in order to eliminate the scent, simply sweeping or mopping won’t be enough. Instead, mix three parts of water with one part vinegar in a spray bottle and spray the area where you see an ant trail. 

Use Ant Bait

Vinegar water won’t be enough for ants already nesting inside your home. To get rid of them, you will need to use the appropriate ant bait. But you will first need to identify the best bait to use since their taste tends to change throughout the year. 

For instance, they might prefer protein in the winter and sweets in the summer. To know for sure:

  1. Pre-bait them with a small platter with fried food, honey, and peanut butter to see which one attracts them the most.
  2. Get a bait that’s geared for their taste. You will start to see bodies of ants around the home, which is a sign that they’re bringing back the toxic bait to their colonies.
  3. Replace the bait containers after two weeks.

Keeping Ants Away From Your Home

After dealing with the infestation in your home, it’s time to move to the next phase of ant pest control: keeping them away from your home. Here are some tips to keep them out:

Eliminate Their Immediate Food Supply

Keeping your home clean is your best line of defense from ants because it eliminates their immediate food supply. And by food supply, we mean pieces of food lying around the house that are easily accessible, such as food scraps, unwashed dishes, crumbs, fruit peelings, and unsealed or poorly sealed food containers.

Ensure you wash your dishes immediately after a meal, sweep up crumbs, wipe spills on different surfaces, and take out the garbage immediately. If you have pets, spray their bowls with vinegar water.

Seal Off and Spray All Entry Points

Eliminate all the ways that ants can enter your home by caulking and sealing holes. This may take some effort to find all possible entryways and holes they could enter. But for areas that can’t be filled, like windows and doors, you can spray insecticide around them to keep them clear from ants.

During springtime, spray the appropriate insecticide for ant pest control, such as those that contain permethrin, deltamethrin, or bifenthrin. Spray just enough to wet the surface. This will create a protective film that serves as a repellant for ants. 

Use Natural Repellants

Alternatively, you can also use natural alternatives to insecticide to keep ants out of your home. Here are some ideas:

  • Mint. Plant peppermint around your home or use essential oils. 
  • Lemon Juice. Lemon juice can be an alternative to vinegar in eliminating scent trails.
  • Cinnamon. Sprinkle ground cinnamon on anthill openings or mix with water and spray on entryways and along ant trails.
  • Cayenne Pepper. Mix with water and spray the solution around doors and windows.
  • Diatomaceous Earth (DE). Sprinkle food-grade DE in areas where you can see ants.

Call the Ant Control Experts

Dealing with ants can be challenging and will take considerable time and effort before they can be eliminated completely from your home. That’s why if you see a few ants inside your home, it’s time to call the pest control experts to make sure they’re dealt with immediately. 


Pest Control Unlimited LLC provides expert ant control services to eliminate ant colonies from your home and keep them away. We thoroughly inspect every corner of your home to locate their nests and implement protective measures to ensure they won’t return. If you need professional pest control services, give us a call at (888) 649-9919 or contact us here.