Wild turkeys are coming to a neighborhood near you! No, not the bourbon — the real life birds! With Thanksgiving around the corner, this couldn’t be a more perfect time. However, New England residents are not thankful for having these birds back in their lives…

A Quick History

Wild turkeys were a common thing in New England during the 1800s. Unfortunately for them, their population was reduced to almost zero from this area. Recently, these turkeys were making a comeback in the rural and suburban areas. But now they have begun to find their way into more urban areas, giving the local residents more trouble than ever before!

Turkey Transgressions

In the city of Boston alone, there were more than 60 complaints about wild turkeys last year — three times the amount of complaints than in 2015. Three other surrounding areas (Somerville, Belmont, and Brookline) have a total of 137 turkey complaints since last year. The reason these turkeys are not being welcomed with open arms (or mouths, with a side of mash and gravy) is because they’re not friendly — they’re violent!

Violent Birds

Turkeys in the wild are found to be larger and stronger than those that will be at the head of the table this Thanksgiving. This is a problem because turkeys are proven to be aggressive (in order to establish their dominance) while in the presence of other animals — including humans. Wild turkeys will scratch and peck anything in their path while on the hunt for food. So for everyone in the New England area, treat turkeys like any other pest — do not leave any food scraps out in the open!

Wild turkeys are climbing high on the list of troublesome pests that you can be exposed to this fall. When your home experiences an infestation of pests, be sure to contact Pest Control Unlimited. To learn more or to schedule an inspection, give us a call at (888) 649-9919.