There are only a few weeks left until the big day and the decorations are going up as we speak. For any of your organic decorations, there is always the threat of pests hitching a ride from storage into your home. To combat this, follow the tips below and remember to be extra careful this holiday season!

If you’re someone who enjoys the fresh scent of a live tree, you could be inviting some outdoor pests into your home. Here in Massachusetts, we tend to have less dense trees like Spruces and Firs so it is easy to get inside and inspect the branches. After you decide that this truly looks like a winner, pull back the branches and look for bugs, nests or anything that could indicate the presence of a pest.

Wreaths made of real branches are starting to become scarce, but even fake wreaths present potential pest problems. In all likelihood, these decorations have been sitting in your garage or shed for the past 11 months and during that time they could have attracted some unwanted guests. Before you hang a wreath on your front door, shake it out and dust it to knock off any of the pests that might be hiding inside.

Poinsettias are gorgeous and they have become a staple in Christmas decor over the years. But it is important to remember that even though they were bought in a store, these plants come from nature. Before you make your purchase, take a glance into the soil of your poinsettia and exchange it for one that is pest-free.

While you are anticipating a kiss from your crush under the mistletoe, you might be greeted by a different kind of fellow– a leaf cutter! Ants and other small pests tend to hide in mistletoe especially if they are already in your home looking for shelter. Give it a good shake and try not to decorate these items with any real fruit or organic material.

At Pest Control Unlimited we know how important the holidays are! Family will be in to celebrate and there is no extra room in the house for those annoying pests. For winter pest removal and pest prevention services, call Pest Control Unlimited at 888-649-9919 or click around on our website!