We all know how the stink bug got its name and it is for that reason that we prefer to keep them as far away from us as possible. Just like any other pest, the stinkbug comes inside to look for a quick meal and to escape the chill at this time of year. To combat this, you should take a look at the prevention and removal techniques that we outline below.

Natural Methods

  • While garlic and stink bugs both have an unpleasant scent, they don’t necessarily mix well together. Mix some garlic and water in a spray bottle and apply the solution to areas where you have seen the stinkbugs in the past.
  • Diatomaceous earth is a common natural pesticide that can help rid your home of all kinds of insects, including stink bugs. If the bug comes into contact with the powder it will damage it’s exoskeleton and eventually dehydrate.

Physical Methods

  • If you own a bagless vacuum, we do not advise you to implement this tactic into your stink bug removal plan. But if you can dispose of the bag or filter, simply vacuum up the bugs and remove the bag immediately after the procedure.
  • The same tape you use to catch flies in the summer can be helpful when trying to catch stink bugs. Spread the tape along common entryways and then remove and replace every week or so as you catch more and more.

Preventative Methods

  • The best form of pest control is prevention and there are a few things you can do to lower your risk of stink bug invasion. The first is sealing doors and windows with caulk from the local hardware store. This shuts down their main access points and it will also save you money on your heating bills.  

Professional Methods

  • All of the above tips are great for quick fixes and emergency situations. But if you want long lasting prevention, you need to request the assistance of a pest control professional. Their expertise and advice can help you set up a pest prevention plan that is unique to your home and it will save you the headache of dealing with it on your own.
  • If you live in Middlesex or Hillsborough County and need some help getting rid of stinkbugs, the right team for the job is only a phone call away. Call Pest Control Unlimited at 888-649-9919 and we’ll set you up with a FREE home inspection.

If you like the work we do for your stink bug problem, you should try signing up for our quarterly prevention services!